Guide to Protecting Your ATV – From Insurance to Lock Downs

Because ATV vehicles are expensive products, you’ll need to implement proper procedures to protect these investments. If you want to avoid dramatic financial situations, you’ll need to focus on insurance policies, theft prevention strategies, and weather protection routines for each ATV.


In many states, there are laws for ATV drivers who operate their vehicles on local roads and trails. According to the terms, an ATV owner can’t commute on an ATV in these areas without having proper insurance. If this kind of law regulates ATV use in your area, you’ll need to acquire ATV insurance from a reputable insurance company. Many insurance agencies, like Upside Insurance in South Carolina, provide policies for ATV vehicles under coverage options for motorcycles. However, when compared to motorcycle policies, the rates for ATV vehicles are lower.

ATV insurance policies vary based on an insurance company’s terms and conditions. If you want to protect other drivers on ATV trails, injury liability is worth considering. This policy will cover any injuries that happen whenever you operate your ATV improperly during general driving situations and challenging stunts. Property damage liability insurance is another policy that’s beneficial because it will cover the vehicle or structural damage that happens to someone’s property.



Theft is a major problem that could happen during outdoor adventures in rural areas. Most units are stolen when vehicle owners journey to distant areas without implementing proper procedures to protect their investment.

If you want to prevent theft effectively, it best to install a secured system to the hardware on your ATV. Most companies that specialize in security for ATV units make tracking devices that help ATV owners pinpoint and retrieve an ATV following theft situations. Locks are also options that can prevent theft; however, to use a lock, you’ll need to find a spot in a rural property where you can secure your ATV against a solid, stable object.

Weather Damage

Rainstorms can soak essential hardware that influences horsepower and torque on wilderness trails. If you want to keep the rust off of the metal hardware on your ATV, you’ll need to cover the entire unit with a tarp before a storm impacts an area. Because some storms produce strong winds, a decent tarp for an ATV must have sturdy straps that won’t loosen when intense currents generate in an isolated zone.

Severe weather can harm an ATV while it’s stored away when the driving season is over. To protect an ATV in a hurricane zone, you’ll need to weigh down the housing in a secured shed. If the shed has windows, you must cover the glass portions with plywood to avoid a storm impact that could shatter the window panels.


By using these strategies, the process of protecting an ATV before and after off-road adventures won’t be challenging. You can get a proper policy from a local insurance provider, and you can gather security supplies from a hardware store.